- [S3167] Jean Douglas, 95, The Jamestown Press, Jamestown, RI, Dec 6, 2007 viewed at The Jamestown Press. Hereinafter cited as Jamestown Press.
- [S3168] Robert Franklin Moment, Naturalization Form No. I-IP, database on-line (Mar 10, 1941); U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992, unknown repository address.
- [S3169] Franklin Moment household, 12 Jan 1920 U.S. Federal census, Washington, DC, USA, Ward 3, East Orange, Essex, New Jersey; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 37, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; National Archives and Records Administration Roll: T625_1029; Image: 705.
- [S3172] U.K. Incoming Passenger Lists - 1878 - 1960, online U.K. Incoming Passenger Lists - 1878 - 1960 search page. Hereinafter cited as Passenger Lists.
- [S3194] Australia Cemetery Index, 1808-2007, online Australia Cemetery Index, 1808-2007. Hereinafter cited as Australia Cemetery Index.
- [S3196] Fawkner Memorial Park - Fawkner, Victoria, Australia, online http://www.fcmp.com.au/deceaseddetail.asp*5*D**158&Cemetery=Fawkner. Hereinafter cited as Fawkner Memorial Park.
- [S3211] James J Moment household, 02 Jan 1920 U.S. Federal census, Washington, DC, USA, Ward 2, Plainfield, Union, New Jersey; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 122, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; National Archives and Records Administration Roll: T625_1071; Image: 766.
- [S3213] Jean and Anne Moment entry; Westernland Passenger List, 21 Sep 1931; in New York Passenger Lists; Microfilm Serial: T715; (Washington, D.C: National Archives and Records Administration), Microfilm Roll: T715_5043; Line: 10; Page Number: 175.
- [S3215] John V and Clara Louise Moment entry; Majesstic Passenger List, 19 Apr 1932; in New York Passenger Lists; Microfilm Serial: T715; (Washington, D.C: National Archives and Records Administration), Microfilm Roll: T715_5143; Line: 3; Page Number: 29.
- [S3216] John and Clara Moment entry; Arabic Passenger List, 16 Sep 1925; in New York Passenger Lists; Microfilm Serial: T715; (Washington, D.C: National Archives and Records Administration), Microfilm Roll: T715_3720; Line: 28; Page Number: 134.
- [S3219] John J and Clara Moment entry; Queen of Bermuda Passenger List, 13 Feb 1937; in New York Passenger Lists; Microfilm Serial: T715; (Washington, D.C: National Archives and Records Administration), Microfilm Roll: T715_5935; Line: 23; Page Number: 184.
- [S3220] John J and Clara L Moment entry; S S Santa Rosa Passenger List, 10 Feb 1956 to 22 Feb 1956; in New York Passenger Lists; Microfilm Serial: T715; (Washington, D.C: National Archives and Records Administration), Microfilm Roll: T715_8689; Line: 17; Page Number: 37.
- [S3306] Guide to the Records of High Street Presbyterian Church (Newark, N.J.) 1852-1949, online http://www.jerseyhistory.org/findingaiddirnb.php. Hereinafter cited as High Street Presbyterian Church.
- [S3310] Walter S. Douglas; Transit Architect, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, 23 Mar 1985, http://articles.latimes.com/1985-03-23/local/…. Hereinafter cited as Los Angeles Times.
- [S3311] Unknown title, online unknown url.
- [S3313] National Academy of Engineering, compiler, Memorial Tributes: National Academy of Engineering, Volume 3 (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989). Hereinafter cited as Memorial Tributes: NAE.
- [S3415] Walter Riddell, Diary of a Voyage from Scotland to Canada in 1833 (http://www.archivecdbooks.ca: Associated Printers Limited, 1932). Hereinafter cited as Diary of a Voyage.
- [S4713] Gairdner B. Moment Papers - Goucher College Digital Library, online http://cdm16235.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/…
- [S4776] Tennessee, Naturalization Records, 1907-1991, online http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx
- [S4781] Orla Myrtle Buchannon, Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sep 15, 1986 viewed at Winnipeg Free Press. Hereinafter cited as Winnipeg Free Press.
- [S4784] Mrs. Elsie Miriam Lewry, Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 21 Aug 1968, Page 48, column 6 viewed at Newspaper Archive. Hereinafter cited as Winnipeg Free Press.
- [S4869] Gerry Mattinson, "unknown title," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, 6 Dec 2014.
- [S6821] Australia, Marriage Index, 1788 - 1950, online Australia, Marriage Index, 1788 - 1950. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Marriage Index, 1788 - 1950.
- [S7406] The Cocoanut Grove Fire Victims List (Publisher: Cocoanut Grove Coalition), unknown repository, The Cocoanut Grove Fire Victims List; "This page lists victims of the fire, and whether they died as a result of their injuries"; cited as "The Cocoanut Grove Fire Victims List.
- [S7407] Gilbert Winslow household, 10 Apr 1940 PDF, Washington, DC, USA, Bridgeport (city), Fairfield, Connecticut; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 9-152; Family: 137, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; National Archives and Records Administration Roll: T627_533.
- [S7456] John Ferguson household, 01 Jun 1921 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Ward 4, Toronto South, Ontario; Page: 2; Family: 15, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
- [S7723] Deats: Getz, Ezra Wilfred, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Mar 9, 1973, Page 36, column 6 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
- [S8585] MccLean Family Tree (Publisher: ancestry.com), Ancestry.com, McLean Family Tree; "An ancestry.com family tree submitted by Les Barnett. Verify this information with primary and secondary sources where possible."; cited as "MccLean Family Tree.
- [S8586] Settlers Sent Effects Here by River Boats, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 24, 1941, Page 49, column 1 to 3 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Star-Phoenix.
- [S9462] Rick Moffat, "Smart Matches between our family trees," e-mail message from withheld for privacy (USA) to Paul Brant, Aug 8, 2019. Hereinafter cited as "Smart Matches."
- [S9465] Kuehl Family Tree (Publisher: Ancestry), Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/71704601/family; "Paul has granted me access to his family tree. Where there are no sources, consider the data as "to be verified""; cited as "Kuehl Family Tree.
- [S9466] Delores Ella, James L. Pedlar Funeral Home Ltd., Fonthill, Ontario, about Aug 20, 2008. Hereinafter cited as James L. Pedlar Funeral Home Ltd.
- [S10751] Obituaries: Ruth Louise Cortelyou, The Central New Jersey Home News, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 26 May 1999, Page 21, column 2 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Central New Jersey Home News.
- [S10752] C. S. Cortelyou of Franklin Dead at 62, The Central New Jersey Home News, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 14 Nov 1968, Page 6, column 3 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Central New Jersey Home News.
- [S10753] Robert Cortelou, The Times, Trenton, New Jersey, 24 Aug 2016. Hereinafter cited as The Times.
- [S10756] James Garrison Cortelyou II, The Times, Trenton, New Jersey, 25 Jul 2012. Hereinafter cited as The Times.
- [S10759] Visiting Princeton, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27 Feb 1938, Page 25, column 6 & 7 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Philadelphia Inquirer.
- [S10760] Obituaries: Mrs. James G. Cortelyou, The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 13 Aug 1945, Page 4, column 2 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Courier-News.
- [S10761] Obituar: James Cortelyou, The Central New Jersey Home News, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 07 Apr 1956, Page 2, column 7 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Central New Jersey Home News.
- [S10765] James G. Cortelyou household, 05 June 1915 New Jersey state census, Franklin Twp., Somerset County, New Jersey; Page 2, Reference Number: L-14; Filom: 58, Ancestry.com Provo, Utah, USA.
- [S11057] Walter Douglas, hospital leader, The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 20 Mar 1985, Page 12, column 4 to 6 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Courier-News.
- [S11058] Walter S. Douglas,at 73; helped plan mass transportation systems, The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, 20 Mar 1985, Page 17, column 5 & 6 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Boston Globe.
- [S11059] Jean Mmoment Douglas, formerly of Plainfield, The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 29 Nov 2007, Page 16, column 1 & 2 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Courier-News.
- [S11186] Obituaries: Stewart, Gladys Grace, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta, 24 Nov 1997, Page 17, column 5 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Edmonton Journal.
- [S12432] Canada, Certificates of Military Instruction (Publisher: Library and Archives Canada), Ancestry.com, Canada, Certificates of Military Instruction, 1867-1932; "images and index at Fold3.com"; cited as "Canada, Certificates of Military Instruction.
- [S13412] Gairdner Moment, biology professor, The Evening Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 28 Aug 1990, Page 32, columns 1 to 3 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Evening Sun.
- [S13414] Clifford Cortelyou household, 06 May 1950 U.S. Federal census, Washington, DC, USA, Franklin, Somerset, New Jersey; Sheet 34; Enumeration District: 18-41; Dwelling: 370, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S13415] Alexandra Maddox to Wed Clifford Hays Cortelyou, The Central New Jersey Home News, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 01 Jun 1969, Page 37, columns 2 & 3 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Central New Jersey Home News.
- [S13418] Ruth Cortelyou,92, legend at Farm School, The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 26 May 1999, Page 75, column 4 viewed at Newspapers.com. Hereinafter cited as Courier-News.
- [S13419] Cyrus B. Bostwick household, 07 June 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Washington, DC, USA, Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Page: 511C; Enumeration District: 044; Family: 80, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; National Archives and Records Administration.