Lillian McMillan1

F, #33703, b. circa 1900, d. 7 November 1968
Last Edited10 Jul 2022
     Lillian married Elmer Maclean.1 She was born circa 1900.1
     Lillian McMillan died on 7 November 1968 at Arnprior, McNab Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Lillian McMillan.
Survivor(s): Warren Hartwig. Predeceased: Elmer Maclean.1

     Lillian McMillan was buried on 9 November 1968 at Castleford Union cemetery, Horton Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     See the footnotes below for a link to her obituary that appeared in the newspaper The Ottawa Journal published in Ottawa, Ontario, 8 November 1968.1


  1. [S6243] Maclean, Lillian, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Nob 8, 1968, Page 34, column 5 viewed at, Obituary: Lillian Maclean née McMillan. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

Elmer Maclean1

M, #33704
Last Edited26 Apr 2016
     Elmer married Lillian McMillan.1
     In the obituary of Lillian McMillan who died 7 November 1968, his husband, Elmer Maclean, was listed as predeceased.1


Lillian McMillan b. c 1900, d. 7 Nov 1968


  1. [S6243] Maclean, Lillian, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Nob 8, 1968, Page 34, column 5 viewed at, Obituary: Lillian Maclean née McMillan. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

Florence Verch1,2

F, #33705, b. 1924, d. 2002
Father*Herbert Gustave Verch2 b. 10 Jul 1891, d. 25 Sep 1966
Last Edited6 Jun 2017
     She was born in 1924.1 Florence married Willard W Hartwig.2
     Florence Verch was buried at Zion Augsburg / Zion Lutheran Old Cemetery, Augsburg, Grattan Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     Florence Verch died in 2002.1
     In the obituary of Herbert Gustave Verch who died 25 September 1966, her daughter, Florence Hartwig, was listed as a survivor.2


Willard W Hartwig b. 1925, d. 1974


  1. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery., Willard W Hartwig & Florence Verch
    In loving memory of Florence Verch 1924 - 2002
    Beloved wife of Willard W 1925 - 1974
    Forever with the Lord.
  2. [S6244] Verch, Herbert Gustave, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 27, 1966, Page 30, column 6 viewed at, Obituary: Herbert Gustave Verch. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

Willard W Hartwig1

M, #33707, b. 1925, d. 1974
Last Edited6 Jun 2017
     He was born in 1925.1 Willard married Florence Verch.2
     Willard W Hartwig was buried at Zion Augsburg / Zion Lutheran Old Cemetery, Augsburg, Grattan Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     Willard W Hartwig died in 1974.1
     In the obituary of Herbert Gustave Verch who died 25 September 1966, his son-in-law, Willard Hartwig, was listed as a survivor.2


Florence Verch b. 1924, d. 2002


  1. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery., Willard W Hartwig & Florence Verch
    In loving memory of Florence Verch 1924 - 2002
    Beloved wife of Willard W 1925 - 1974
    Forever with the Lord.
  2. [S6244] Verch, Herbert Gustave, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 27, 1966, Page 30, column 6 viewed at, Obituary: Herbert Gustave Verch. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

Herman L Woermke1

M, #33708, b. 1891, d. 7 May 1975
Last Edited10 Jul 2022
     He was born in 1891.1,2 Herman married Ottillie Bloedow.1,3
     Herman L Woermke died on 7 May 1975 at Arnprior & District Memorial Hospital, Arnprior, McNab Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,2
     The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Herman L Woermke.
Predeceased: Ottillie Bloedow.2

     Herman L Woermke was buried on 10 May 1975 at Albert Street Cemetery - Block G, Arnprior, McNab Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,3
     In the obituary of Ottillie Woermke who died 22 January 1959, his husband, Herman Woermke, was listed as a survivor.3


Ottillie Bloedow b. 20 Jul 1894, d. 22 Jan 1959


  1. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery., Herman L Woermke & Ottillie Bloedow
    In Loving Memory of
    Herman L Woermke 1891-1975
    His Wife
    Ottillie Bloedow 1894-1959.
  2. [S6248] Deaths - Woermke, Herman L, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, May 9, 1975, Page 42, column 7 viewed at, Obituary: Herman L. Woermke. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
  3. [S6247] Death - Woermke, Otillie, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Jan 23, 1959, Page 32, column 2 viewed at, Obituary: Ottillie Woermke nee Bloedow. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

George Walter Luloff1

M, #33709, b. 19 September 1907, d. 15 December 1944
Father*Ferdinand Luloff1,2 b. 1 Nov 1866, d. 13 Nov 1944
Mother*Mary Meitz1 b. 4 May 1873, d. 7 Jul 1921
Step-motherHannah Kadow2 b. c 1882
Last Edited5 May 2023
     He was born on 19 September 1907 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,2
     Rifleman George Walter Luloff died on 15 December 1944 at Berg en Dal, Gelderland, Netherlands, at age 37 near Eindjeshof farm, south of Erlekom. His body was not recovered. Two statements by riflemen indicate they were attacking an enemy position. They sheltered behind a dyke while artillery fired, then crawled forward over the dyke and road until they came to a second road leading to a farm building occupied by the enemy. They were ordered to fall back and then came under machine gun fire. The two witnesses got back to safety but did not see George Luloff again. He was serving with the Regina Rifles Regiment.1,2 He is remembered at Panel 11, the Groesbeek Memorial, Gelderland, Netherlands.3

Canadian Military Service:

     George Walter Luloff began military service on 7 August 1942 at the age of 34 years, 10 months and 19 days at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He was a welder, single and a Lutheran.2
     On 30 October 1943, he arrived in England after sailing from Canada on Oct 23, 1943. A year later, on Oct 24, 1944 he disembarked in Belgium after leaving England the day before. He joined the Regina Rifles and was listed as missing on Dec 15, 1944. On July 15, 1945 he was listed as "Presumed Killed"

From his service file: Educational Background:
Started school at 9 years. - Left school at age 17 yrs (8th grade)
- 1 year at Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Ind, USA - Theology
- Part diesel and some radio instruction - Home Study - Chicago Institute of Diesel Engineering - not complete

Occupational Background:
- Labourer on farm - 1925-1927 Albert Meitz (uncle) Locksley, Ont (Limited)
- Machine Operator - operating chopper - 1927 - 1942 Cdn. Splint & Lumber Co. - $18.00
- Punch press and welding - 1942 - 2 months - Ford Motor Co of Canada, Windsor, Ont

Untitle section:
- Single, Ht. 5-8, Wt. 127,
Parents living dependant on subject. Father an invalid*. Assigns $23
- Fair physique, does not consider hiis health too good; speech low and a little indistinct. Seems rather worried about his father's poor health; alert and bright but lacks confidence. Intelligence average, M score 111. Has always been bothered by fish*. Lenghty route marches causes increased soreness.

Speaks and reads some German

*     - Elsewhere in the file it is noted that his father had a fractured hip
**     - I think the word is "fish" although it does not seem to fit this context (Rick M.)2 Rifleman George Walter Luloff ended his military service on 15 December 1944 when he was presumed to be killed in action.
End of Military Service section.2

     George Walter Luloff was commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.3

     The following article appeared in the Ottawa, Ontario The Ottawa Journal, 25 January 1945 :
Army Casualties
     The Minister of National Defence today issued the 779th and 780th casualty lists of the war for the Canadian Army overseas. The names of eight Ottawa and 10 district men appears, including four killed in action, two who died of wounds and three missing...
Those missing were...Rfn. George Walter Luloff, son of Ferdinand Luloff, Pembroke.4


  1. [S112] Commonwealth War Graves Commission, online Commonwealth War Graves Commission Home Page, Rank:
    Service No:
    Date of Death:
    Regina Rifle Regiment, R.C.I.C.
    Panel Reference:
    Panel 11.
    Additional Information:
    Son of Ferdinand Luloff and of Mary Luloff (née Meitz).. Hereinafter cited as CWGC.
  2. [S7808] George Walter Luloff, Canada, WWII Service Files of War Dead, 1939-1947 (Ottawa, Ontario: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada), WWII Service File: Rifleman George Walter Luloff ( subscription requried). Hereinafter cited as Canada, WWII Service Files of War Dead, 1939-1947.
  3. [S112] CWGC, online Commonwealth War Graves Commission Home Page, George Walter Luloff.
  4. [S6249] Army Casualties, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Jan 25, 1945, Page 16 Collumns 1 - 4 viewed at, Army Casualties. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.

Dummy News Event1

M, #33710
Last Edited21 Feb 2025
     This is a "dummy" person to link news events that have no primary persons. People referenced are witnesses to the event.2
     The following list was extracted from the U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971 for the years between 1885 and 1899 :
Postmaster appointments for Bright, Dearborn County, Indiana:
Thos. Cottingham     19 May 1885
Wm. C. Liddle      26 Jun 1889
Jno. W. Liddle      20 July 1889
Daisy Cottingham     7 Nov 1893
John W. Liddle      12 Oct 1897
Albert B Cottingham     23 Oct 1899.3

     The following article appeared in the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Star-Phoenix, 10 July 1931 :
     Rosenthal's Former Pupils Hold Reunion at Summach Home, Near Asquith
     ASQUITH — A very interesting and unusual event was arranged on Wenesday July 1 on the grounds of the home of Mr. A Summach, eight and one half miles south of Asquithin the Avondale district. The affair was unusual in that it was a "school pals reunion." Twenty-one families, 125 people gathered together in the afternoon, practically everyone having attended school in Rosenthal, Ont., some 25 or 30 years ago. A few of the neighbors other than the "school pals" were present also to make the afternoon a success.
     It was formally opened by all singing O Canada. An address which was delivered by A. Summach, renewed memories of the past.
     Mrs. W. Riston (sic) Sr., was the oldest parent in the gathering, the majority of the parents of those in the reunion having passed on in the pioneer days in the Killaoe, Ont., district. Lunch was served and photographs taken.
     Jack Berger and Mr. and Mrs. Summach had spent untiring efforts in organizing the event and making it a success. Willard and Ruby Berger, of Hanley, contributed two appropriate numbers: "The Little Red Schoolhouse, " and "Memories."4

     The following article appeared in the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Star-Phoenix, 7 October 1937 :
(an unknown value.)5

     See the footnotes below for a link to an article that appeared, 6 December 2007 .6

     Ontario Birth Registrations - Hagarty Twp - 1897 This page makes me crazy. Many of the children listed appear to be familiar, but details are off. Birth dates, names of parents, births years before parents were married, etc. See the following individuals:
Ernest Hartwick, Minnie Yearth, John Ristow, Caroline Becker, Mary Krantz and Herbert Zummach.7


  1. [S2949] Grand Central School Captures Honors at Delisle Field Sports, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Oct 7, 1937, page 17, columns 4 and 5 viewed at Google News Archive. Hereinafter cited as StarPhoenix.
  2. [S2] Personal knowledge/research of Rick Moffat (Mesa, AZ 85207).
  3. [S7248] U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971, online U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971, Postmawster appointments for Bright, Dearborn County, Indiana::
    Thos. Cottingham     19 May 1885
    Wm. C. Liddle     26 Jun 1889
    Jno. W. Liddle     20 July 1889
    Daisy Cottingham     7 Nov 1893
    John W. Liddle     12 Oct 1897
    Albert B Cottingham     23 Oct 1899. Hereinafter cited as U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters.
  4. [S2942] Recall Ontario School Friends - Rosenthal's Former Pupils Hold Reunion..., Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 10 Jul 1931, Page 17, column 1 viewed at, Rosenthal Schhol pals reunion. Hereinafter cited as StarPhoenix.
  5. [S2949] StarPhoenix, Oct 7, 1937, page 17, columns 4 and 5, extracted results for names of interest from Delisle track meet.
  6. [S6296] Personal tragedy kept Obie close to home, The Hamilton Spectator, Hamilton, Ontario, Dec 6, 2007, viewed on-line, Personal tragedy kept Obie close to home. Hereinafter cited as Hamilton Spectator.
  7. [S3115] Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1911, online, Ernest Hartwick, son of Hyrman Hartwick and Martha Zummach. Hereinafter cited as ON Births, 1869-1912.

William John Slade1

M, #33711
Last Edited30 Apr 2016
     William married Janet Forest McVicar.1


Janet Forest McVicar


  1. [S1090] EHealth Saskatchewan, Genealogy Index Searches , eHealth Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Genealogy Search Page; "Birth, Marriage & Death Register Index"; cited as "SK eHealth Genealogy Searches.

Janet Forest McVicar1

F, #33712
Last Edited30 Apr 2016
     Janet married William John Slade.1


William John Slade


  1. [S1090] EHealth Saskatchewan, Genealogy Index Searches , eHealth Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Genealogy Search Page; "Birth, Marriage & Death Register Index"; cited as "SK eHealth Genealogy Searches.