John Frood1

M, #24361
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     John married Edith Brydges before 1898.1,2


Edith Brydges


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18094-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Edith Brydges1

F, #24362
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     Edith married John Frood before 1898.1,2


John Frood


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18094-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Edwin H Hochberg1

M, #24363
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     Edwin married Mary Brahardt before 1906.1,2


Mary Brahardt


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18141-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Mary Brahardt1

F, #24364
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     Mary married Edwin H Hochberg before 1906.1,2


Edwin H Hochberg


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18141-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

John Lemke1

M, #24365, b. say 1880
Last Edited27 Oct 2009
     He was born say 1880 at Germany.1 John married Augusta Zohr before 1900.1


Augusta Zohr


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18170-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.

Augusta Zohr1

F, #24366
Last Edited27 Oct 2009
     Augusta married John Lemke before 1900.1


John Lemke b. s 1880


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18170-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.

Adolph Littmann1,2

M, #24367, b. circa 1899
Father*Ludwig Littmann3
Mother*Juliana Lessing3
Last Edited3 Jan 2017
     He was born circa 1899 at Russia.1,2 Adolph married Selina Gertrude Kuhl on 4 August 1925 at Baptist Church, Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to Ontario Marriage Registration.1,2
     In the obituary of Audrey Littmann who died 14 November 1975, his father, Adolph Littmann, was listed as a survivor.4


Selina Gertrude Kuhl b. 29 Dec 1901, d. 18 Dec 1970


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., Adolph Littmann & Selina Gertrude Kuehl.
  3. [S1350] ON Vital Statistics Project, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18172-25.
  4. [S5068] Deaths - Bell, Audrey, Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, 15 Nov 1975, Page 56, column 23 viewed at, Obituary: Audrey Bell née Littman. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
  5. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…

    Assume that Audrey is the daughter of Adolph and Gertrude since her stone is the same style as Gertrude's.

Ludwig Littmann1,2

M, #24368
Last Edited2 Sep 2011
     He was born at Russia.3 Ludwig married Juliana Lessing before 1899 at Russia.1,4,2


Juliana Lessing


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., Adolph Littmann & Selina Gertrude Kuehl.
  3. [S1350] ON Vital Statistics Project, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18172-25.
  4. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Juliana Lessing1

F, #24369
Last Edited2 Sep 2011
     Juliana married Ludwig Littmann before 1899 at Russia.2,3,4


Ludwig Littmann


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18172-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S1350] ON Vital Statistics Project, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages,
  3. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.
  4. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., Adolph Littmann & Selina Gertrude Kuehl.

Hannah Kadow1

F, #24370, b. circa 1882
Father*Herman Kadow1
Mother*Auguste Radke1
Last Edited5 May 2023
     She was born circa 1882 at Looensk, West Prussia/Westpreußen (modern Germany).1 Hannah married Ferdinand Luloff on 13 May 1925 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to Ontario Marriage Registration 018176.2,1
     Her name was also recorded as Johanna Luloff according to her signature on the Particulars of Family form she completed after her step-son, George was killed in action.3
     The following article appeared in the Ottawa, Ontario The Ottawa Citizen, 21 May 1925 :
LULOFF - KADOW Very quietly at St. John's Lutheran church, Pembroke, the marriage was solemnized Wednesday evening of Miss Hannah Kadow, ot Germany, to Mr. Ferdinand Luloff, Welland street, Pembroke. Rev. T. L. Luft performed the ceremony. The witnesses were Miss A. Meitx and Mr. A. Biesenthal. Mr. and Mrs. Luloff will reside on Welland street.4
Mrs. F. Luloff, of Pembroke, ON, was the informant on the death registration of her husband, Ferdinand Luloff, who died on 13 November 1944.5


Ferdinand Luloff b. 1 Nov 1866, d. 13 Nov 1944


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18176-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., Ferdinand Luloff & Hannah Kadow.
  3. [S7808] George Walter Luloff, Canada, WWII Service Files of War Dead, 1939-1947 (Ottawa, Ontario: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada), WWII Service File: Rifleman George Walter Luloff ( subscription requried). Hereinafter cited as Canada, WWII Service Files of War Dead, 1939-1947.
  4. [S13797] Current Social and Personal News, The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, 21 May 1925, Page 19, column 4 viewed at, Marriage: Luloff - Kadow. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
  5. [S1347] Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario),, Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946; "This database is an index (with images) to over 2 million deaths that were registered in Ontario from 1869 to 1938, and 1943 to 1946. The database also includes deaths of Ontario military personnel overseas from 1939-1947"; cited as "ON Deaths, 1869-1946., Name: Ferdinand Luloff.

Herman Kadow1

M, #24371
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     He was born at Lowinsk, Germany.1 Herman married Auguste Radke before 1882.1,2


Auguste Radke


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18176-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Auguste Radke1

F, #24372
Last Edited27 Oct 2009
     Auguste married Herman Kadow before 1882.1,2


Herman Kadow


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18176-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Margaret Theresa Ruddy1

F, #24373, b. circa 1901
Father*James Ruddy1
Mother*Mary Agnes Cull1
Last Edited24 Oct 2009


William Charles McGuinty b. c 1896


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18214-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.

William Charles McGuinty1

M, #24374, b. circa 1896
Father*James McGuinty1
Mother*Elizabeth Dunnigan1
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     He was born circa 1896 at Bromley Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1 William married Margaret Theresa Ruddy on 28 July 1925 at Combermere, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1


Margaret Theresa Ruddy b. c 1901


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18214-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.

James McGuinty1

M, #24375
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     James married Elizabeth Dunnigan before 1896.1,2


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18214-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Elizabeth Dunnigan1

F, #24376
Last Edited24 Oct 2009
     Elizabeth married James McGuinty before 1896.1,2


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18214-25. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.

Frank Musclow1

M, #24377
Last Edited31 Mar 2017
     He was born at Sebastopol Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1 Frank married Augusta Neumann before 1904.1,2


Augusta Neumann


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18189-25 (Renfrew Co). Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.
  3. [S1350] ON Vital Statistics Project, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, see marriage registration transcription 18189-25 (Renfrew Co) on this page - Joseph Musclow & Mary Kuehl.

Augusta Neumann1

F, #24378
Last Edited31 Mar 2017
     Augusta married Frank Musclow before 1904.1,2


Frank Musclow


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 18189-25 (Renfrew Co). Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.
  3. [S1350] ON Vital Statistics Project, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, see marriage registration transcription 18189-25 (Renfrew Co) on this page - Joseph Musclow & Mary Kuehl.

Mary Kuehl1,2

F, #24379, b. August 1903
Father*William Frederick Kuehl1,2 b. 31 Aug 1864, d. 16 Feb 1936
Mother*Johanna Hiedermann1,2 b. Dec 1871
Last Edited26 Nov 2021
     She was born in August 1903 at Lyndoch Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaG.1,2 Mary married Joseph Musclow on 27 September 1925 at Sebastopol Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     Mary Kuehl appeared in the 1911 Canadian Census of Lyndoch Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Wilhelm and Johanna Kuehl.2


Joseph Musclow b. c 1904


  1. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, see marriage registration transcription 18189-25 (Renfrew Co) on this page - Joseph Musclow & Mary Kuehl. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  2. [S12096] William Kuehl household, 14 Jun 1911 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Lyndoch, Renfrew, Ontario; Page: 3; Family: 18, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), I read their surname as Kuehl, not Kuchl as transcribed by

William Frederick Kuehl1

M, #24380, b. 31 August 1864, d. 16 February 1936
Father*Johann Friedrich August Kühl1,2,3 b. Oct 1837
Mother*Hanna Wilhelmine Böse1,2,3 b. Jan 1841
Last Edited11 Sep 2024
     He was born on 31 August 1864 at Prussia (modern Poland).1,2,3 He was baptized on 11 September 1864 at Ravenstein (Altheide), Ravenstein, Kreis Saatzig, Pommern, Germany (modern Poland)G.3 Alternatively, he may have been born in August 1863 at Germany according to the 1911 census.4 William married Johanna Hiedermann on 20 July 1893 at Evangelical Church, Lyndoch Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to Ontario Marriage Registration 010902.5,6,2,7,4
     Other information from their marriage registration:
The registration listed the following official witnesses: Albert Kosmack.2

     William Frederick Kuehl died on 16 February 1936 at Sebastopol Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, at age 71 according to Ontario Death Registration 030328.8 The informant on his death registration was his son, William Kuehl Jr..1
     William Frederick Kuehl was buried on 19 February 1936 at Sebastopol Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     He was also known as Wilhelm Kühl.9 His name was recorded as Friedrich Wilhelm Kühl on his birth registration.3 He immigrated with his parents, Johann Friedrich August Kühl and Hanna Wilhelmine Böse in 1882 to Canada.4 Wilhelm Kühl was found on a passenger list for the steamship "Hansa" with his parents Johann and Hanna dated 14 September 1883 departing from the the Port of Hamburg, stopping in Hull, England and bound for the port of Québec. They were residents of Falkenwalde, Preußen (Prussia.)9 Wilhelm Kuhl was found on a passenger list for the "S.S. Parisian" with his parents Aug and Wilhelmina dated 29 September 1883 arriving at the Port of Québec, Sailing from Liverpool, England. They had stopped at Londonderry, Ireland en route to Canada.10
     Wilhelm and Johanna Kuehl appeared on the 1911 Canadian Census of Lyndoch Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, enumerated 14 June 1911. Their children Annie, Amelia, William, John, Mary, Selma, Elizabeth and Louis were listed as living with them. Their household included his parents, August Kuehl and Williamena Kuehl.4
     William Frederick Kuehl was recorded as father of the bride at the marriage of August Reinert and Selma Kuehl on 18 October 1928.11 In the death registration of Selma Gertrude Reinert, who died on 30 December 1928, William Kuehl Sr. was identified as her father.12


Johanna Hiedermann b. Dec 1871
Marriage*William married Johanna Hiedermann on 20 July 1893 at Evangelical Church, Lyndoch Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to Ontario Marriage Registration 010902.5,6,2,7,4 
     Other information from their marriage registration:
The registration listed the following official witnesses: Albert Kosmack.2


  1. [S1347] Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario),, Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946; "This database is an index (with images) to over 2 million deaths that were registered in Ontario from 1869 to 1938, and 1943 to 1946. The database also includes deaths of Ontario military personnel overseas from 1939-1947"; cited as "ON Deaths, 1869-1946., Name: William Frederick Kuehl; Death: 16 Feb 1936, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Age: 71, Birth Date: abt 1865, Germany, Father: Angnes Kuehl, Mother: Wilhemina Bleazis.
  2. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., William T Kühl & Johanna Heiderman.
  3. [S7023] Pomerania, Germany, Parish Register Transcripts, 1544-1883 (Publisher: Landesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege),, Pomerania, Germany, Parish Register Transcripts, 1544-1883; "Kirkenbuchduplikate Pommern. Digital images"; cited as "Pomerania, Germany, Parish Register Transcripts., & Friedrich Wilhelm Kühl, Birth Date: 31 Aug 1864, Baptism Date: 11 Sep 1864, Baptism Parish: Ravenstein (Altheide), Father's Name: Johann Friedrich August Kühl, Mother's Name: Hanna Wilhelmine Böse, Parish as it Appears: Ravenstein Alteheide.
  4. [S12096] William Kuehl household, 14 Jun 1911 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Lyndoch, Renfrew, Ontario; Page: 3; Family: 18, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), I read their surname as Kuehl, not Kuchl as transcribed by
  5. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1916, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Gustave Ludwig Kuehl. Hereinafter cited as Ontario, Canada Births.
  6. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: William F. Kuhl & Johanna Heiderman.
  7. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: William Schweigert & Annie Kuehl.
  8. [S1347] "ON Deaths, 1869-1946", online Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946: Name: William Frederick Kuehl; Death: 16 Feb 1936, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Age: 71, Birth Date: abt 1865, Germany.
  9. [S1961] Hamburger Passagierlisten, 1850-1934 (Publisher: Hamburg State Archives),, Hamburger Passagierlisten, 1850-1934; "Hamburg Passenger Lists in German, including images of the source documents"; cited as "Hamburg State Archives., August Kühl; , Departure Age: 45, Ship Name: Hansa, Departure Place: Hamburg, Deutschland (Germany), Departure Date: 14. Sep 1883 (14 Sep 1883), Arrival Place: Hull (Amerika via Liverpool), Household Members: Wilhelmine Kühl, Wilhelm Kühl, Emilie Kühl.
  10. [S2009] Canada, Arriving Passengers Lists, 1865-1935 (Publisher:, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), Canada, Arriving Passengers Lists, 1865-1935; "This database provides indexed access to images of passenger lists from Library and Archives Canada, Department of Employment and Immigration fonds"; cited as "Canada, Arriving Passengers Lists, 1865-1935., Aug Rabe (I read Kuhl), 29 Sep 1883 arriving at Quebec, Quebec, Canada from Liverpool, England; Londonderry, Ireland aboard Parisian. Accompanied by Wilhelmina, Wilhelm and Emilie Hoft.
  11. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: August Reinert & Selma Kuehl; Marriage: 18 Oct 1928, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada.
  12. [S1347] "ON Deaths, 1869-1946", online Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946: Name: Selma Gertrude Reinert; Death: 30 Dec 1928, Sebastopol, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Age: 23 1 22, Birth Date: 08 Nov 1905, Lyndoch Twp., Cause of Death: Puerperal Septic Aemca, Parents: William Kuehl, Sr., born in Germany & Johanna Heideman, born Twp. Lyndoch, Ont., Informant: William Kuehl, Jr., brother, of Woermke, Burial: 01 Jan 1929, Sebastopol, Registration #: 030680.
  13. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: William Schweigert & Annie Kuehl; Marriage: 27 Jun 1918, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada.
  14. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Herbert Kuehl, Birth: 13 Jan 1902, Renfrew, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada; Parents: William Kuehl and Johanna Heiderman.
  15. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: John Kuehl (24) & Viola Drefke (20); Marriage: 06 Sep 1926, Sebastopol, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Groom's Parents: William Kuehl & Johanna Heidemann, Bride's Parents: Charles Drefke & Mary Drefke, Groom's Birthplace: Township of Lynedoch (sic), Ont , Bride's Birth Place: Township of Sebastopol, Ont, Registration #: 043498.
  16. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, see marriage registration transcription 18189-25 (Renfrew Co) on this page - Joseph Musclow & Mary Kuehl. Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.