Peter Porter1,2,3

M, #8522
Father*Simeon P Porter3,2 b. 1910, d. 1975
Mother*Iva Mary Boland3,2 b. 3 Sep 1910, d. 1999
Relationship2nd cousin of Richard Graeme Moffat
Last Edited4 Jun 2011


  1. [S114] Desc of William (Bowland) Boland , Clare Tapp - Boland family information, from electronic report; "This generation report produced by Clare Tapp is a good research guide, but be sure to verify data using primary and secondary sources"; cited as "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland., Children of IVA BOLAND and SIMEON PORTER are: DAVID PORTER. MARK PORTER, PETER PORTER.; page 5.
  2. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…
  3. [S1066] Delores M Allen & Geraldine Kuehl, compiler, Seven - Hagarty Township Cemeteries (P.O. Box 8346, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H8: The Ontario Genealogical Society, 1991), St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Tramore; Page 76. Hereinafter cited as Seven - Hagarty Township Cemeteries.

John Edgar Clark1

M, #8526, b. 1909, d. 1956
Father*John S. Clark2
Mother*Mrs. John S. Boland2
Last Edited11 Jan 2022
     He was born in 1909.1 John married Maureen Lenore Boland on 19 August 1942 at Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,2
     John Edgar Clark was buried at St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Eganville, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1
     John Edgar Clark died in 1956.1
     He was commonly known as Jack.3,4
     The engagement of Maureen Boland and John Edgar Clark was announced by Thomas Abram Boland and Annie Zummach on 27 July 1942 at the newspaper, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; BOLAND-CLARK
     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Boland, of Klllaloe, Ont.,announce the engagement of their daughter, Maureen Lenore, to John Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Clark, of Smooth Rock Fails, Ont. Marriage to take place Wadnasday, August 19, at Klllaloe, OnL.2
     In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her first husband, John E. Clark, was listed as predeceased.5
     In the obituary of Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin who died 2 January 2001, her father, John Clark, was listed as predeceased.6


Maureen Lenore Boland b. 3 Dec 1912, d. 17 Sep 2000
Marriage*John married Maureen Lenore Boland on 19 August 1942 at Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,2 


  1. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…
  2. [S12259] Engagements: Boland - Clark, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, 27 Jul 1942, Page 18, column 1 viewed at, Engagement: Boland - Clark. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
  3. [S114] Desc of William (Bowland) Boland , Clare Tapp - Boland family information, from electronic report; "This generation report produced by Clare Tapp is a good research guide, but be sure to verify data using primary and secondary sources"; cited as "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland., Jack Clarke.
  4. [S220] Don Boland, "Boland, Don - email to Rick Moffat," e-mail message from (email address withheld for privacy) (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, She married (1) JACK E. CLARK; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Don Boland - email."
  5. [S9179] Deaths: Culhane, Maureen (R.N.), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 2000, Page 65 viewed at, Obituary: Maureen Culhane née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
  6. [S9190] Deaths: Drouin, Mary Ann Elizabeth (Clark), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Jan 5, 2001, Page 51, column 1 viewed at, Obituary: Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin née Clark. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
  7. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, MARY ANN CLARK, b. 1945; d. January 02, 2001, Pembroke General Hospital; m. JEAN BERNARD DROUIN.; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  8. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.

Mary Ann Elizabeth Clark1

F, #8528, b. 1945, d. 2 January 2001
Father*John Edgar Clark2,3 b. 1909, d. 1956
Mother*Maureen Lenore Boland2,3 b. 3 Dec 1912, d. 17 Sep 2000
Step-fatherW Edward Culhane4
Relationship2nd cousin of Richard Graeme Moffat
Last Edited10 Jul 2022
     She was born in 1945.2
     Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin died on 2 January 2001 at Pembroke General Hospital, Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.3,1
     The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin.
     Mary Ann Elizabeth Clark was buried in a spring interment at St. John's Union Cemetery, Tramore, Ontario, Canada.5,6,1
     Her name was also recorded as Mary Anne Clark.4
     In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her daughter, Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin, of Round Lake, was listed as a survivor.7
     See the footnotes below for a link to her obituary that appeared in the newspaper The Ottawa Citizen published in Ottawa, Ontario, 5 January 2001.1


  1. [S9190] Deaths: Drouin, Mary Ann Elizabeth (Clark), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Jan 5, 2001, Page 51, column 1 viewed at, Obituary: Mary Ann Elizabeth Drouin née Clark. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
  2. [S220] Don Boland, "Boland, Don - email to Rick Moffat," e-mail message from (email address withheld for privacy) (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, MARY ANN CLARK, b. 1945; d. January 02, 2001, Pembroke General Hospital; m. JEAN BERNARD DROUIN.; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Don Boland - email."
  3. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  4. [S553] Mary Anne Clark's engagement, Personal journal, RGM Papers - Estelle L E Moffat's Journal, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA, Saturday July 26 - could be 1952, 1958, or 1969.
  5. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, Burial: January 05, 2001, St. John's Union Cemetery, Tramore, Ontario; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  6. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…
  7. [S9179] Deaths: Culhane, Maureen (R.N.), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 2000, Page 65 viewed at, Obituary: Maureen Culhane née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.