Stephen Orest Lozinsky1,2,3,4
M, #1321, b. 23 November 1967, d. 1 October 2013
Mother* | Beverly Elizabeth Kreutzer5,2,3,4 b. 2 Feb 1936, d. 20 Jun 2009 |
Relationship | 1st cousin 1 time removed of Carole Elizabeth Watson |
Last Edited | 10 Jul 2022 |
He was born on 23 November 1967.5,2,3,4
Stephen Orest Lozinsky died on 1 October 2013 at age 45.4
The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Stephen Orest Lozinsky.
He lived at Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, in 2008.3
In the obituary of Beverly Elizabeth Lozinsky who died 20 June 2009, her son, Stephen, was listed as a survivor.2,6
In the obituary of Charlotte Mary Emma Von der Heyde who died 21 January 2018, her grandson, Stephen Orest Lozinsky, was listed as predeceased.7
Stephen Orest Lozinsky died on 1 October 2013 at age 45.4
The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Stephen Orest Lozinsky.
He lived at Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, in 2008.3
In the obituary of Beverly Elizabeth Lozinsky who died 20 June 2009, her son, Stephen, was listed as a survivor.2,6
In the obituary of Charlotte Mary Emma Von der Heyde who died 21 January 2018, her grandson, Stephen Orest Lozinsky, was listed as predeceased.7
- [S122] Bob Turner, "William & Elizabeth Kreutzer -- Their Family", Before 1985 (Cupar, Saskatchewan). Foreward by Len Kreutzer writen for Lipton History. Family information gathered by Lee Kreutzer., page 5. Hereinafter cited as "Kreutzer Family."
- [S219] Cox Tree by Bruce D Cox , (formerly Family Tree Maker) User Trees, Cox Tree; "Family trees have been removed from this web site which was an early version of Family Tree Maker family trees"; cited as "Cox Tree.
- [S1883] Roger Kreutzer, The Kreutzer Family from Reichau Austria 1898-2008 (Prince George, BC: Kreutzer, Roger, July 2008), p. 29. Hereinafter cited as The Kreutzer Family.
- [S7807] Stephen Orest Lozinsky, The Prince George Citizen, Prince George, BC, about Oct 3, 2013 viewed at, Obituary: Stephen Orest Lozinsky. Hereinafter cited as Prince George Citizen.
- [S123] Lipton and Area Historical Society, editor, Trails and Tales of Settlement and Progress, Lipton and District, 1875-1985 (Regina, Saskatchewan: Focus Publishing Inc., 1987), Page 5. Hereinafter cited as Trails and Tales ...Lipton and District, 1875-1985.
- [S2104] Obituary: Lozinsky, Beverly Elizabeth, Prince George Citizen, Prince George, BC, June 25, 2009 viewed at Prince George Citizen, Obituary: Beverly Elizabeth Lozinsky née Kreutzer. Hereinafter cited as PG Citizen.
- [S7806] Charlotte Kreutzer, The Regina Leader-Post, Regina, Saskatchewan, Jan 25, 2018 viewed at, Obituary: Charlotte "Lottie" Mary Emma Kreutzer née Von der Heyde. Hereinafter cited as Regina Leader-Post.
Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen1
M, #1329, b. 16 January 1923, d. 13 September 2007
Last Edited | 10 Jul 2022 |
He was born on 16 January 1923 at Amulet, Saskatchewan, Canada.1 Douglas married Merna Bernice Bateman on 16 January 1946 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.2,1
Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen died on 13 September 2007, probably in Edmonton, at Alberta, Canada, at age 84.1
The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen.
Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen began military service serving overseas in the RCAF.1
He was commonly known as Doug Rasmussen.3,2
In the obituary of Merna Rasmussen who died 19 December 1997, her husband, Doug Rasmussen, was listed as a survivor.4
See the footnotes below for a link to his obituary that appeared in the newspaper the Edmonton Journal published in Edmonton, Alberta, 15 September 2007.1
In the obituary of Fred Summach who died 22 November 2008, his brother-in-law, Doug Rasmussen, was listed as predeceased.5
Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen died on 13 September 2007, probably in Edmonton, at Alberta, Canada, at age 84.1
The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen.
Survivor(s): Betty Bateman, Laurene Summach and Fred Summach. Predeceased by his wife, Merna Rasmussen.1
Canadian Military Service - WWII
Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen began military service serving overseas in the RCAF.1
He was commonly known as Doug Rasmussen.3,2
In the obituary of Merna Rasmussen who died 19 December 1997, her husband, Doug Rasmussen, was listed as a survivor.4
See the footnotes below for a link to his obituary that appeared in the newspaper the Edmonton Journal published in Edmonton, Alberta, 15 September 2007.1
In the obituary of Fred Summach who died 22 November 2008, his brother-in-law, Doug Rasmussen, was listed as predeceased.5
Family | Merna Bernice Bateman b. 21 Jan 1923, d. 19 Dec 1997 |
Marriage* | Douglas married Merna Bernice Bateman on 16 January 1946 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.2,1 |
- [S11400] Obituaries: Rasmussen, Doulas lloyd, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta, 15 Sep 2007, Page 35, column 3 viewed at, Obituary: Douglas Lloyd Rasmussen (Age 84). Hereinafter cited as Edmonton Journal.
- [S1129] Kelfield History Book Committee, editor, Portrait of a community : Kelfield, Saskatchewan, Canada (Kelfield, Saskatchewan: Kelfield History Book Committee, 1982), Page 126-128: Myrtle and Daniel Bateman by Ken Bateman. Hereinafter cited as Portrait of a community.
- [S29] (see citation for details), Estelle Moffat - Scrapbook of news clippings, Mesa, AZ viewed at Rick Moffat Personal Papers - Blue "Denim" Binder. Hereinafter cited as Estelle Moffat - Scrapbook.
- [S8310] Obituaries: Rasmussen, Merna Bernice, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta, Dec 21, 1997, Page 45, column 3 viewed at, Obituary: Merna Bernice Rasmussen. Hereinafter cited as Edmonton Journal.
- [S1911] Obituary - Summach, Frederick S, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, viewed Nov 25, 2008 viewed at StarPhoenix Archives, Frederick Summach. Hereinafter cited as Star Phoenix.
Iva Mary Boland1,2
F, #1340, b. 3 September 1910, d. 1999
Father* | Thomas Abram Boland3,4 b. 21 Apr 1871, d. 25 Apr 1946 |
Mother* | Annie Zummach3,4 b. 4 May 1882, d. 24 May 1966 |
Relationship | 1st cousin 1 time removed of Richard Graeme Moffat |
Last Edited | 2 Jun 2022 |
She was born on 3 September 1910 at Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to Ontario Birth Registration 901277.5,2,4 A delayed birth registration for Iva Mary Boland was made on 18 July 1931 at Killaloe Station in Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, certified by her father, Thomas A. Boland.2 Iva married Simeon P Porter before 1940.6,7,8
Iva Mary Boland died in 1999 at Richmond Hill, York County, Ontario, Canada.7,9
Iva Mary Boland was buried at St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Tramore, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.7
Her name was also recorded as Ivah Mary Boland.5,7,6
In circa 1911, Iva Boland was included in a group photograph of Charlie, Elaine, Ted and Iva.10
Iva Boland appeared in the 1911 Canadian Census of Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Thomas and Annie Boland.11
Iva Boland and Doris Boland were included in a circa 1913 photograph(see below.)12
Iva Boland appeared in the 1921 Canadian Census of Killaloe Station, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Thomas and Anna Boland.4
In the obituary of Annie Boland who died 24 May 1966, her daughter, Ivah Porter, was listed as a survivor.13
In the obituary of Doris Poland who died 10 September 1990, her sister, Iva Porter, of Ottawa, was listed as a survivor.14
In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her sister, Ivah Porter, was listed as predeceased.15
Iva Mary Boland died in 1999 at Richmond Hill, York County, Ontario, Canada.7,9
Iva Mary Boland was buried at St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Tramore, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.7
Her name was also recorded as Ivah Mary Boland.5,7,6
In circa 1911, Iva Boland was included in a group photograph of Charlie, Elaine, Ted and Iva.10
Iva Boland appeared in the 1911 Canadian Census of Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Thomas and Annie Boland.11
Iva Boland and Doris Boland were included in a circa 1913 photograph(see below.)12

MAC082a Iva & Doris Boland
isn't Iva nose like mas (sic)
Doris says her nose hangs down
hers hangs up"
isn't Iva nose like mas (sic)
Doris says her nose hangs down
hers hangs up"
Iva Boland appeared in the 1921 Canadian Census of Killaloe Station, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Thomas and Anna Boland.4
In the obituary of Annie Boland who died 24 May 1966, her daughter, Ivah Porter, was listed as a survivor.13
In the obituary of Doris Poland who died 10 September 1990, her sister, Iva Porter, of Ottawa, was listed as a survivor.14
In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her sister, Ivah Porter, was listed as predeceased.15
Family | Simeon P Porter b. 1910, d. 1975 |
Marriage* | Iva married Simeon P Porter before 1940.6,7,8 |
Children |
- [S114] Desc of William (Bowland) Boland , Clare Tapp - Boland family information, from electronic report; "This generation report produced by Clare Tapp is a good research guide, but be sure to verify data using primary and secondary sources"; cited as "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland., IVA MARY BOLAND was born 1910.; page 5.
- [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1916, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Iva Mary Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ontario, Canada Births.
- [S114] "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland", online from electronic report: IVAH MARY BOLAND, b. September 03, 1910.
- [S6109] Thomas A Boland household, 01 June 1921 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Killaloe Station, Renfrew South, Ontario; Page Number: 4; Family: 35, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
- [S220] Don Boland, "Boland, Don - email to Rick Moffat," e-mail message from (email address withheld for privacy) (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, IVAH MARY BOLAND, b. September 03, 1910; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Don Boland - email."
- [S1066] Delores M Allen & Geraldine Kuehl, compiler, Seven - Hagarty Township Cemeteries (P.O. Box 8346, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H8: The Ontario Genealogical Society, 1991), St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Tramore; Page 76. Hereinafter cited as Seven - Hagarty Township Cemeteries.
- [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…
- [S394] Rick Moffat, Assumption based upon birth/christening date of children.
- [S1331] User-submitted records, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), Ivah Mary Boland.
- [S412] Photographs viewed with Uncle Mac and Mom in 1995. B&W Photograph, These photographs were kept by Grandpa Fred Summach. They passed to Muriel Seymour on his death, and to Mac Summach on her passing. Uncle Mac had a battered old suitcase containing a badly worn photo album which may have been his mother's, as well as many loose photos. These are now in the possession of Colleen, Cheryl and possibly others. (2016), Uncle Mac Summach's Photo Archive digitized by Rick Moffat (Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA), MAC063 "Charile, Elaine, Iva, Ted Boland
Sister Annie Family"
taken about 1911. - [S6184] Thomas Boland household, 05 Jun 1911 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Killaloe, Hagarty, Renfrew, Ontario; ; Page: 6; Family No: 55, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
- [S412] Photographs viewed with Uncle Mac and Mom in 1995. B&W Photograph, scanned in Dec 1995, Uncle Mac Summach's Photo Archive digitized by Rick Moffat, MAC082a Annie Boland's annotation on the back:
isn't Iva nose like mas (sic)
Doris says her nose hangs down
hers hangs up." - [S6850] Deaths - Boland, Annie, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, May 25, 1966, Page 42, column 3 viewed at, Obituary: Annie Boland née Zummach. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
- [S9180] Deaths: Poland, Doris (nee Boland), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 1990, Page 38, column 2 viewed at, Obituary: Doris Poland née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
- [S9179] Deaths: Culhane, Maureen (R.N.), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 2000, Page 65 viewed at, Obituary: Maureen Culhane née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
- [S368] Thomas Abram Boland.FTW (Genealogy Report) , Rick Moffat Personal Digital Files, URL not applicable; "This Family Tree Maker (FTM) database was received from Don Boland"; cited as "Thomas Abram Boland.FTW.
- [S114] "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland", online from electronic report: Children of IVA BOLAND and SIMEON PORTER are: DAVID PORTER. MARK PORTER, PETER PORTER.; page 5.