Anna Bell MacGrimmon1

F, #1382, b. 26 August 1920, d. 8 August 1978
Last Edited1 Apr 2018
     She was born on 26 August 1920 at Kelsy, Alberta, Canada.1 Anna married Donald John MacIver on 6 September 1947 at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.1
     Anna Bell MacGrimmon died on 8 August 1978 at Saskatchewan, Canada, at age 57.1


Donald John MacIver b. 9 Oct 1919, d. 26 Apr 1995


  1. [S19] Interview with Lorrie Ellen Moffat (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), by Rick Moffat. Rick Moffat (Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA).

Doris Idella Boland1

F, #1383, b. 15 December 1911, d. 10 September 1990
Father*Thomas Abram Boland2,3,4 b. 21 Apr 1871, d. 25 Apr 1946
Mother*Annie Zummach2,3,4 b. 4 May 1882, d. 24 May 1966
Relationship1st cousin 1 time removed of Richard Graeme Moffat
Last Edited10 Jul 2022
     She was born on 15 December 1911 at Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, according to her 1962 Ontario Statement of Birth.3,5,6,4 Doris married Victor Marcus Poland on 9 September 1938 at Combermere, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.7,5,6
     Doris Idella Boland died on 10 September 1990, at home, at Killaloe, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, at age 78.3,5,8,9
     The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Doris Poland.
     Doris Idella Boland was buried on 13 September 1990 at St. John's Union Cemetery, Tramore, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.5,9
     Doris Boland and Iva Boland were included in a circa 1913 photograph(see below.)10
MAC082a Iva & Doris Boland
isn't Iva nose like mas (sic)
Doris says her nose hangs down
hers hangs up"

     Dora Boland appeared in the 1921 Canadian Census of Killaloe Station, Hagarty Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario in the household of her parents, Thomas and Anna Boland.4
     The following newspaper article appeared in the book Reflections of a Century compiled by the Eganville Leader (2002) at Eganville at Ontario originally published 19 January 1940 :
District News
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Poland at Killaloe airport was destroyed by fire of unknown origin on Wednesday morning at 10:30. There was no time to save any of the contents of the house, and Mrs. Poland, to save herself and child, was compelled to make a hurried exit.11

     In the obituary of Annie Boland who died 24 May 1966, her daughter, Doris Poland, was listed as a survivor.12 She was a survivor of her husband Victor who died in 1975.13,5
     See the footnotes below for a link to her obituary that appeared in the newspaper The Ottawa Citizen published in Ottawa, Ontario, 12 September 1990.9
     In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her sister, Doris Poland, was listed as predeceased.14


Victor Marcus Poland b. 19 Nov 1911, d. 24 Jul 1975
Marriage*Doris married Victor Marcus Poland on 9 September 1938 at Combermere, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.7,5,6 


  1. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery.,…
  2. [S114] Desc of William (Bowland) Boland , Clare Tapp - Boland family information, from electronic report; "This generation report produced by Clare Tapp is a good research guide, but be sure to verify data using primary and secondary sources"; cited as "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland., DORIS ADELLA BOLAND, b. December 1911; d. 1990, Killaloe, Ontario.
  3. [S220] Don Boland, "Boland, Don - email to Rick Moffat," e-mail message from (email address withheld for privacy) (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, DORIS IDELLA BOLAND, b. December 15, 1911, Killaloe, Ontario; d. 1990, Killaloe, Ontario; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Don Boland - email."
  4. [S6109] Thomas A Boland household, 01 June 1921 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Killaloe Station, Renfrew South, Ontario; Page Number: 4; Family: 35, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
  5. [S530] "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery", online Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project: Victor M Poland & Doris I Boland
    In Loving Memory of Victor M Poland     1911 - 1975
    Beloved Husband of Doris I Boland     1911 - 1990.
  6. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1916, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Doris Idella Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ontario, Canada Births.
  7. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, She married VICTOR MARCUS POLAND September 09, 1938 in Combermere, Ontario.; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  8. [S1331] User-submitted records, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), Doris Idella Boland.
  9. [S9180] Deaths: Poland, Doris (nee Boland), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 1990, Page 38, column 2 viewed at, Obituary: Doris Poland née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.
  10. [S412] Photographs viewed with Uncle Mac and Mom in 1995. B&W Photograph, These photographs were kept by Grandpa Fred Summach. They passed to Muriel Seymour on his death, and to Mac Summach on her passing. Uncle Mac had a battered old suitcase containing a badly worn photo album which may have been his mother's, as well as many loose photos. These are now in the possession of Colleen, Cheryl and possibly others. (2016), Uncle Mac Summach's Photo Archive digitized by Rick Moffat (Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA), MAC082a Annie Boland's annotation on the back:
    isn't Iva nose like mas (sic)
    Doris says her nose hangs down
    hers hangs up."
  11. [S507] The Eganville Leader, compiler, Reflections of a Century - Stories and Photos from the Ottawa Valley (P.O. Box 310, Eganville, Ontario K0J 1T0: The Eganville Leader Publishing Company Ltd., July 2002), Page 231 - January 19, 1940. Hereinafter cited as Reflections of a Century.
  12. [S6850] Deaths - Boland, Annie, The Ottawa Journal, Ottawa, Ontario, May 25, 1966, Page 42, column 3 viewed at, Obituary: Annie Boland née Zummach. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Journal.
  13. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, He was born November 19, 1911 in England, and died July 24, 1975 in Round Lake, Ontario; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  14. [S9179] Deaths: Culhane, Maureen (R.N.), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 2000, Page 65 viewed at, Obituary: Maureen Culhane née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.

Victor Marcus Poland1,2

M, #1394, b. 19 November 1911, d. 24 July 1975
Last Edited27 May 2020
     He was born on 19 November 1911 at Southampton, Hampshire, England.3,4,5 Victor married Doris Idella Boland on 9 September 1938 at Combermere, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.2,5,6
     Victor Marcus Poland died on 24 July 1975 at Round Lake, Ontario, Canada, at age 63.3,5
     Victor Marcus Poland was buried at St. John's Union Cemetery, Tramore, Ontario, Canada.5
     He was commonly known as Vic.4
     The following newspaper article appeared in the book Reflections of a Century compiled by the Eganville Leader (2002) at Eganville at Ontario originally published 19 January 1940 :
District News
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Poland at Killaloe airport was destroyed by fire of unknown origin on Wednesday morning at 10:30. There was no time to save any of the contents of the house, and Mrs. Poland, to save herself and child, was compelled to make a hurried exit.7

     The following newspaper article appeared in the book Reflections of a Century compiled by the Eganville Leader (2002) at Eganville at Ontario originally published 22 July 1949 :
1949 Briefs - July 22:
Vic Poland Head Killaloe Lions Club
V. M. Poland was elected president of the Killaloe Lions Club at the recent annual election of officers. Vic was born in Southhampton, England, in 1911 and came to Canada at an early age. He was educated at Prescott, and joined the government service in 1933. He came to Killaloe in 1937 to supervise the construction of buildings and the completion of the air field, and was places in charge of Killaloe Airport when the Transcontinental Air Service was inaugurated in 1938-39. He organized the Killaloe Branch of the Red Cross Society and served numerous terms as its president during the war years.8

     In the obituary of Maureen Culhane who died 17 September 2000, her brother-in-law, Victor Poland, was listed as predeceased.9


Doris Idella Boland b. 15 Dec 1911, d. 10 Sep 1990
Marriage*Victor married Doris Idella Boland on 9 September 1938 at Combermere, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.2,5,6 


  1. [S114] Desc of William (Bowland) Boland , Clare Tapp - Boland family information, from electronic report; "This generation report produced by Clare Tapp is a good research guide, but be sure to verify data using primary and secondary sources"; cited as "Desc of William (Bowland) Boland., She married VICTOR M. POLAND.; page 5.
  2. [S220] Don Boland, "Boland, Don - email to Rick Moffat," e-mail message from (email address withheld for privacy) (unknown address) to Rick Moffat, She married VICTOR MARCUS POLAND September 09, 1938 in Combermere, Ontario.; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Don Boland - email."
  3. [S220] Don Boland, "Don Boland - email," e-mail to Rick Moffat, He was born November 19, 1911 in England, and died July 24, 1975 in Round Lake, Ontario; Genealogy Report -- Feb 9, 2001.
  4. [S507] The Eganville Leader, compiler, Reflections of a Century - Stories and Photos from the Ottawa Valley (P.O. Box 310, Eganville, Ontario K0J 1T0: The Eganville Leader Publishing Company Ltd., July 2002), Page 295 - July 22, 1949 - Vic Poland Head Killaloe Lions Club. Hereinafter cited as Reflections of a Century.
  5. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery., Victor M Poland & Doris I Boland
    In Loving Memory of Victor M Poland     1911 - 1975
    Beloved Husband of Doris I Boland     1911 - 1990.
  6. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1916, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Doris Idella Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ontario, Canada Births.
  7. [S507] The Eganville Leader, Reflections of a Century, Page 231 - January 19, 1940.
  8. [S507] The Eganville Leader, Reflections of a Century, Page 295 - Vic Poland Heads Killaloe Lions Club.
  9. [S9179] Deaths: Culhane, Maureen (R.N.), The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Sep 22, 2000, Page 65 viewed at, Obituary: Maureen Culhane née Boland. Hereinafter cited as Ottawa Citizen.

Michelle Dawn Summach1

F, #1397, b. 24 January 1984, d. 28 October 2018
Relationship2nd cousin 1 time removed of Richard Graeme Moffat
Last Edited10 Jul 2022
     She was born on 24 January 1984.1
     Michelle Dawn Summach died on 28 October 2018 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, at age 34.2
     The following selected information is extracted from the obituary of Michelle Dawn Goetz.
Survivor(s): William.1

     In the obituary of Percy Alexandra Summach who died 23 September 2013, her granddaughter, Michelle Summach, was listed as a survivor.3
     In the obituary of Wilma Summach who died 5 December 2015, her granddaughter, Michelle Goetz, was listed as a survivor.4
     See the footnotes below for a link to her obituary that appeared in the newspaper the Star-Phoenix published in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 31 October 2018.1


  1. [S8363] Goetz, Michelle Dawn, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Oct. 31, 2018 viewed at Saskatoon StarPhoenix Remembering, Obituary: Michelle Dawn Goetz née Summach. Hereinafter cited as Saskatoon StarPhoenix.
  2. [S2] Personal knowledge/research of Rick Moffat (Mesa, AZ 85207), We were talking to Lori and Lorrie. Michelle passed away this morning, Oct 28, 2018. In the evening Brenda Smith-Jensen sent me an email that also emntioned her passing.
  3. [S4596] Obituary - Summach, Percy (Mick), Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 27 Sep 2013, On-Line viewed at StarPhoenix, Obituary: Percy Summach. Hereinafter cited as Star-Phoenix.
  4. [S7742] Deaths: Summach, Wilma, The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Dec 9 to 16, 2015, Page B8 viewed at, Obituary:Wilma Summach. Hereinafter cited as Star-Phoenix.