Ken Hultman1

M, #19182
Last Edited26 Jun 2019
     Ken married Joyce Martha Elizabeth Cattell on 10 November 1950.1
     Ken Hultman died at Saskatchewan, Canada.2
     In the obituary of Amy Avidia Cattell who died 2 May 1990, Ken Hultman, was listed as a survivor.3
     In the obituary of Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman who died 1 February 2018, her husband, Ken Hultman, was listed as predeceased.2


Joyce Martha Elizabeth Cattell b. 8 May 1931, d. 1 Feb 2018


  1. [S7] Asquith Historical Society, compiler, Asquith Record, The (Box 160, Asquith SK, S0K 0J0: The Asquith and District Historical Society, 1982), Page 90: Philip and Amy Cattell by Phyllis Gordon. Hereinafter cited as Asquith Record.
  2. [S9321] Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, about Feb 2, 2018, Obituary: Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman née Cattell. Hereinafter cited as StarPhoenix.
  3. [S1159] Deaths: Cattell, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 3, 1990, Page 23 (C1), column 3 viewed at, Amy Avidia Catell née Anderson. Hereinafter cited as StarPhoenix.

Gayle Hultman1

F, #19185, b. 28 July 1955
Father*Ken Hultman1
Mother*Joyce Martha Elizabeth Cattell1 b. 8 May 1931, d. 1 Feb 2018
Last Edited26 Jun 2019
     She was born on 28 July 1955 at Saskatchewan, Canada.1
     Gayle Hultman died at Saskatchewan, Canada.2
     In the obituary of Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman who died 1 February 2018, her daughter, Gail Meissner, was listed as predeceased.2


  1. [S7] Asquith Historical Society, compiler, Asquith Record, The (Box 160, Asquith SK, S0K 0J0: The Asquith and District Historical Society, 1982), Page 90: Philip and Amy Cattell by Phyllis Gordon. Hereinafter cited as Asquith Record.
  2. [S9321] Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, about Feb 2, 2018, Obituary: Joyce Martha Elizabeth Hultman née Cattell. Hereinafter cited as StarPhoenix.

Hanna Walter1,2

F, #19199, b. 1 July 1881, d. 27 April 1915
Father*William Walter3,1 b. c 1850
Mother*Augusta Zebell3,1 b. 2 Aug 1859, d. 7 Mar 1913
Last Edited6 Nov 2023
     She was born on 1 July 1881 at Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, Ontario Marriage Registration 029222.4,1 Alternatively, she may have been born on 11 July 1881 at Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaG,5,6; or, in July 1880 at Ontario, Canada, according to the 1911 census.7 Hanna married Martin Markus on 27 September 1901 at Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaG, according to Ontario Marriage Registration 015454.8,5,9,10,7,11
Martin Markus and Johanna Annie Walters

     Hanna Walter died on 27 April 1915 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, at age 33 according to Ontario Death Registration 027915.3,6 The cause of her death was given as septicaemia due to appendicitis.3
     Annie Markus was buried at Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaG.4,6 The informant on her death registration was her brother-in-law, William Frederick Markus of Pembroke. Her parents were identified as William Walters and Augusta Zibell.4
     She was commonly known as Annie Walter5,12 ; and, Annie Walters.13 She lost herhusband, Martin Markus, on 3 December 1906.14
     Mrs. Martin Markus appeared on the 1911 Canadian Census of Rankin, Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, enumerated 5 June 1911. Martin was described as a widow and a G Methodist, with no occupation. Her children Wilford, Lornie, Esther and Walter were listed as living with her. As were her step-children, Jesenia Markus and Louis Markus.7
     Mrs. Martin Markus, (deceased) of Pembroke, was referenced in the engagement announcement of Dorothy Lemke and Walter Markus on 9 July 1945 at the newspaper at The Ottawa Journal; Lemke - Marcus
     Mrs. Frank Lemkewished to announce the engagement of her daughter, Dorothy, to Walter Markus, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin Markus of Pembroke. Marriage to take place shortly.15


Martin Markus b. 21 Sep 1871, d. 3 Dec 1906
Marriage*Hanna married Martin Markus on 27 September 1901 at Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew County, Ontario, CanadaG, according to Ontario Marriage Registration 015454.8,5,9,10,7,11
Martin Markus and Johanna Annie Walters


  1. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1916, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Hannah Walter. Hereinafter cited as Ontario, Canada Births.
  2. [S2936] Judi Frew, online, Judi Frew (unknown location), downloaded viewed April 16, 2011, Johanna Walter according to marriage photo posted on Schmidt /Markus Family Tree.
  3. [S1347] Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario),, Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946; "This database is an index (with images) to over 2 million deaths that were registered in Ontario from 1869 to 1938, and 1943 to 1946. The database also includes deaths of Ontario military personnel overseas from 1939-1947"; cited as "ON Deaths, 1869-1946., Name: Annie Markus.
  4. [S1347] "ON Deaths, 1869-1946", online Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946: Name: Annie Markus; Death: 27 Apr 1915, Pembroke, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Age: 33, Birth Date: abt 1882, Wilberfoice, Cause of Death: Appendicits and septicaemia, Parents: William Walters and Augusta Ziebel, Informant: Wm. Markus, Burial: Twp Wilberforce, Registration #: 027948 or 027045.
  5. [S269] Jean nee Yourth Panke, "Panke, Jean (Yourth) email," e-mail message from email address withheld for privacy (Ottawa, Ontario) to Rick Moffat, Email Feb 18, 2006; FW: Maybe you have this info. Hereinafter cited as "Panke, Jean (Yourth) email."
  6. [S3160] Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project - Ontario, online Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project - Ontario, Wilberforce United Church Cemetery: Annie Markus née Walter
    Grave marker transcription:
    In Memory Of Martin Markus     Born Sept. 21, 1871. - Died Dec. 3, 1906.
    And His Wife     Annie Walter     Born July 11, 1881 - Died Apr. 27, 1916. Hereinafter cited as Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project - Ontario.
  7. [S2338] Mrs Martin Markus household, 05 Jun 1911 Canada census, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Rankin (village), Wilberforce, Renfrew North, Ontario; Page: 2 ; Family: 13, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
  8. [S252] Genealogical Research Library (Subscription Required), online Genealogical Research Library (Subscription Required), Martin Markus and Annie Walter. Hereinafter cited as Genealogical Research Library.
  9. [S1349] Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1936 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario, Toronto), Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935; "Ontario, Canada, Select Marriages. Archives of Ontario, Toronto. This database includes images of the registrations. In some cases, alternative images in FamilySearch provide additional information"; cited as "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936., Martin Markus & Annie Walter
    I read the date as the 27th. The second digit is not similar to other examples of 4, 5 or 9 on the same page.
  10. [S1350] Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, online Ontario Vital Statistics Project - Marriages, - 15454-01 (Renfrew Co., 1901). Hereinafter cited as ON Vital Statistics Project.
  11. [S3160] Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project - Ontario, online Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project - Ontario, Wilberforce United Church Cemetery: Martin Markus
    Grave marker transcription:
    In Memory Of Martin Markus     Born Sept. 21, 1871. - Died Dec. 3, 1906.
    And His Wife     Annie Walter     Born July 11, 1881 - Died Apr. 27, 1916.
  12. [S530] Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (in transition) (Publisher: Murray Pletsch), Canadian Gravemarker Gallery (See Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project), Search page for Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project; "After July 31, 2017, many links were broken. Search Canada GenWEB since content is being indexed and slowly moved to this site. I will replace links as time permits"; cited as "Canadian Gravemarker Gallery., Wilberforce United Church Cemetery: Martin Markus and his wife, Annie Walter
    Grave marker transcription:
    In Memory Of Martin Markus     Born Sept. 21, 1871. - Died Dec. 3, 1906.
    And His Wife     Annie Walter     Born July 11, 1881 - Died Apr. 27, 1916.
  13. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: Wesley Lloyd Seigel (24) & Esther Lenora Markus (23); Marriage: 04 Jun 1929, Pembroke, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Groom's Parents: Charles Seigel & Martha Freivault, Bride's Parents: Martin Markus & Annie Markus , Groom's Birthplace: Twp Alice, Bride's Birth Place: Twp Alice, Registration #: 021440.
  14. [S1347] "ON Deaths, 1869-1946", online Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946: Name: Martin Marcus; Death: 03 Dec 1906, Wilberforce, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Age: 35, Birth Date: abt 1871, Golden Lake, Cause of Death: Bright's Disease, after three weeks, Informant: Rev. G. M. Gischler, Burial: not asked, Registration #: 026224.
  15. [S2] Personal knowledge/research of Rick Moffat (Mesa, AZ 85207), Engagements: Lemke Markus from Ontario, Canada, The Ottawa Journal (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1885-1980 at does not include images of the newspaer for this date.
  16. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, online Ontario, Canada Births, Milton Markus.
  17. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Lorne Gordon Markus.
  18. [S1349] "Ontario Marriages, 1826-1936", online Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1785-1935: Lornie Markus (25) & Emma Roesler (19); Marriage: 19 Jun 1929, Pembroke, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, Groom's Parents: , Bride's Parents: Frank Roesler & Anna Roesler , Groom's Birthplace: Wilberforce Twp., Bride's Birth Place: Golden Lake, Ontario, Canada, Registration #: 021344.
  19. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Esther Lenora Markus
    signed as Mrs Esther lenora Seigel, her husband's initial may have been W since she originally signed as Mrs W Seigel and then it was struck out. Both parents were born in Alice Twp too.
  20. [S1348] Ontario, Canada Births, online Ontario, Canada Births, Name: Walter Elmer Markus.

Martin James Reckzin1,2

M, #19200, b. 8 June 1931, d. 29 December 1933
Father*Albert Reckzin1,2 b. 1904, d. 1961
Mother*Myrtle R. Lehman1,2 b. 27 Jul 1908, d. 1989
Relationship4th cousin of Richard Graeme Moffat
Last Edited16 Sep 2019
     He was born on 8 June 1931 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.1,2
     Martin James Reckzin died on 29 December 1933 at Cottage Hospital, Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada, at age 2 according to Ontario Death Registration 029419.1,2 The informant on his death registration was his father, Albert Reckzin.3
     Martin James Reckzin was buried on 31 December 1933 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada.2


  1. [S269] Jean nee Yourth Panke, "Panke, Jean (Yourth) email," e-mail message from email address withheld for privacy (Ottawa, Ontario) to Rick Moffat, email Feb. 18, 2006; Fw: Maybe you habe this info. Hereinafter cited as "Panke, Jean (Yourth) email."
  2. [S1347] Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946 (Publisher: Archives of Ontario),, Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946; "This database is an index (with images) to over 2 million deaths that were registered in Ontario from 1869 to 1938, and 1943 to 1946. The database also includes deaths of Ontario military personnel overseas from 1939-1947"; cited as "ON Deaths, 1869-1946., Name: Martin James Reckzin.
  3. [S1347] "ON Deaths, 1869-1946", online Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1946: Name:     Martin James Reckzin.